who dreams of moon, of stars, and nice cup of coffee with cinnamon roll in the morning.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Quick Impression 01 | Beauty

Beauty Haul Quick Impression
My last 'empty post' garnered quiet positive responses, so I thought why not do more 'mini-review' post? While I already have another batch of empties (I swear I'm not lying), I also have considerable amount of new product that I'm yet to talk about. This post will cover some new products that I bought between April and August.

Nars Velvet Matte Skin Tint in Cuzco (Medium 1.5); this semi-matte finish base has more coverage than expected, it evens up my skin tone, plus decently gets rid of my redness. It last incredibly well on my oily skin though I won't say it stops me from getting oily, I need to powder my face after around 5 hours or so (please note that where I live, the weather averages between 27 - 33°C all year around). The color is spot on, even closer than my Bobbi Brown's foundation, and I think with its extensive shade ranges (12 shades), everyone can easily find their color.And I can say now after around 3 months, I love this more than my BB foundation.

Verdict; love. it. so. much.

Nars Contour Kit in Paloma; the contour shade deep rose definitely has pinkish-rose going on, and I can imagine this can comes off as blush for people with fairer complexion or cool undertone. On my warm, medium-yellow skin, this is warm enough to chisel my (non-existent) cheekbones, and even then, I can safely use this as blush when I'm feeling lazy. I used it with Bobbi Brown Sheer Powder Brush and had slight difficulty, but then I switched to Zoeva Angled Cheek brush, and boy, does it did this color wonder (and my cheeks pretty bones). I use pink beige aka. the supposed highlight shade to my concealer, the bright color gives the area a lift but nothing too obvious. The two shades blend easily which is good for someone who just started 'attempting' contouring like me.

Verdict; love

Jill Stuart Layer Blush Compact in #06 Old Rose; I did review on this one last week, so you may check for full review. To keep it simple, this blush has the most beautiful subtle shimmer that makes the frosty finish actually looks natural. The color is subtle on my medium skin, but I can imagine this shows up more vibrant on fairer skin.

Verdict; love

Majolica Majorca Lash Aesthetic Mascara; a full review of this one is coming on, but in short, if you have; 1) oily lids that doesn't work at all with Maybelline mascaras, 2) short, sparse lashes, 3) problem with mascara that's hard to remove, this one is solution for you. It thickens and does lengthen my lashes, plus it's really easy to remove but still water-proof.

Verdict; love. it.

Bobbi Brown Natural Brow Sharper in Auburn; this is my first brow-product. I'm blessed with thick brows and frankly speaking, I'm quiet satisfied with them. The only thing I need to do is tidy them up and this does the job very well. The bristles is short but big enough, just the right size to shape my brows without 'overdrawing' them. The only problem I have is it tends to clump on the bristle when I pull it out so sometimes I ended up with too bold inner lashes (which is not pretty).

Verdict; like.

Burberry Eye Colour in Gold Pearl & Pale Barley; these two eyeshadows are buttery, silky smooth, applies evenly, and the pigmentation makes it impossible to go wrong. The formula allows this to be applied dry or wet which gives you more intense color. The subtle shimmer gives the eyeshadow beautiful glow and dimension, I think the color pulls differently under different light. I use Gold Pearl mainly for highlight and Pale Barley as all-over lid color.

Verdict; love. it. so. much. don't. question. my. love.

Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Ruby; I love to pull this when I'm feeling really, really lazy but still wants color on my lips, because I look dead otherwise. I'm really into its color and the delicious taste when I lick it, it's hydrating too. The downside is I often ended up with flaky lips despite how moisturizing it is.

Verdict; like it.

Have you tried any of these products? What do you think of them?

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