who dreams of moon, of stars, and nice cup of coffee with cinnamon roll in the morning.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

How are You? #1

One |  I came to know about cheese tea and is seriously addicted.

Two | One of my goal this year is to invest more on my health in general, mainly my legs. I was naive enough to think that 12 sessions of therapy would be enough, but obviously, it isn't as I can practically feel it's deteriorating every single day. The first step is getting a static bike, I managed to get a portable one, so I can type while exercising my poor legs!

Three | In line with previous goal, I finally registered myself to another health insurance. While there's national health insurance, I think it's better to be safe than sorry, plus, my legs really need extra special, and great attention.

Four | I managed to accomplish my minimum posting goal; 4 a month.

Five | Nabbed this SUN PRINT MEMOIR from RIFLE PAPER & CO, and is ready to certify myself as Rifle Paper & Co. hoarder.

Six | January went well. I didn't set much goal for myself because I fear I'll be too overwhelmed to finish everything, so I started small. It's as simple as speaking up more or ticking of at least 80% of my daily task.

Seven | Finally, managed to perfect my fluffy pancake recipe! It's also a great quality time with my sister (she's as helpless as ever in kitchen).

Eight | Got my first Olivia Burton watch, it's my watch of dream!

Nine | My goal next month is being annoying aka. being more critical of anything and everything, instead of keeping it all for myself. Honesty is harsh, but honesty is good.

Ten | Made a dent in my THE SAEM BLUSHER. What an accomplishment, time to get a new one!

How are you this month?
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