who dreams of moon, of stars, and nice cup of coffee with cinnamon roll in the morning.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How are you?

Hello everyone! How's life lately? Mine is as usual; an endless roller coaster of emotion. I'd say I'm fine but then I realize that maybe not so much. My saving grace is the presence of supporting friends around me. I'm not particularly in a slump, but then again a voice will say; maybe you are. And in those moments I will try to think of how blessed I am to have all these amazing people and things around me, small things that reminded me that I have to go on.

As for blogging, I'm not exactly in a rut per se but I found writing about makeup and beauty to be more exciting so you will more likely found me over at blingvoyage instead of here. To be honest, I'm not sure what will I do in this blog anymore if I migrate every beauty related things over there. I'm sorry I still haven't find what I want to do here, hopefully new year can help me finding my resolution.

Have a good day.

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