who dreams of moon, of stars, and nice cup of coffee with cinnamon roll in the morning.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Better late than never


Whoa, I can't believe it's been more than a year since I posted here! Is anybody even still reading this? To be fair, I have loads of excuse for my absence, namely; life. After I returned to Indonesia, I was mostly busy with campus life, adjusting back to the rhythm here, preparing for my graduation paper, etc, etc. I was still active on twitter and tumblr (when am I not) and last year, I happened to rediscover my passion for drawing (anime, manga arts obviously), and when I realized, I drew more and more and kind of forgetting about blogging (´;ω;`).

I always had a voice in the back of my mind telling me to blog, blog, and blog, but the pen tablets in front of me just distracted me from it. And when I sanctioned upon myself hiatus for the last semester in uni, the thought of blogging just disappear altogether, especially when I got my laptop and handphone stolen last September.

All that aside, I finally graduated from my uni last February and I have landed myself a job! I've been working in this company for about 3 months already and so far it's going well despite some hardship here and there. Lately, I rediscovered my love for makeups(or rather, my friends are makeup creature who always talk about makeup on my twitter timeline) and all so I think; hey, why not start blogging again?

To be honest, I still don't know what I want to talk here but I realized blogging motivates me to take better picture, so for time being until I can decide what I wanna write, I'll be posting pics with my daily random talk.

Until next time, folks, have a great day!

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